The Slave and Masta Affair between Fitz & Liv Makes Me Sick

The Slave and Masta Affair between Fitz & Liv Makes Me Sick

Like many of you I could not take my eyes off of the screen when I was first introduced to Scandal. The plot twists, the bouncy hair, the clothes, the power, OOOooo I was being seduced in front of a television screen and I liked it. I also loved the fact that the star was a black woman and that the power she wielded in the White House was nothing like I had even seen before. It was as if it were close to reality, here we have two terms of chocolate rule and now this bad bitty Liv is busting balls and savings white collared hoes in each episode.

Then I lost interest. I wasn’t around my girls, picking and gnawing at every detail and I decided to boycott the show. I hadn’t caught a case of black on black success hate or crab in the barrel mentality I just dried up like a well.

The slave and masta affair between Fitz & Liv started to make me sick. I didn’t want my mind to go there and focus on skin color or the America’s dirty laundry, but it did. Then when I tried to talk myself out of pinpointing race I still couldn’t bring myself to finding a free online link each week, I just couldn’t.

Suddenly this power house of a woman was reduced to a desperate case of girl, please get your own man. I thought about every woman who proudly justified and defended being a Savior of troubled marriages via mistress-dom and I couldn’t support the mess.

I checked my social network timelines with the hope that Liv would kick Fitz to the curb for good and be strong enough to snatch an eligible bachelor but that doesn’t get ratings and apparently it doesn’t appease her fans. Why show the world that power transcends your position in first world government? Is it too boring, not enough drama or way too much work?

I am convinced that you can get as much of a rush in a legitimate relationship and actually enjoy closet, shower and backseat sex with a man who is truly invested. Not one who is too cowardly and selfish to take a stand and leave his wife. Look he will never leave his wife. The thing a frightening hand full of women fail to understand is that rarely does the mistress, despite her own charm and sizzle, win. There is nothing that can compare to a man who brings home the bacon for you- that is power.

Now I know I will be met with side eyes, accusations of being judgmental and so forth but it doesn’t matter. I want to see a woman of color who has it all on my television screen. She has pains struggles amazing sex and weak moments too, to me a woman who is morally sound and strong enough to be alone is exciting as hell…until then I’ll wait.

Telisha Ng is the Creator of Battle of the Sexes Show, and Goddess Intellect Relationship Coach. You can always find Telisha offering fun wisdom and sound advice on relationships. It’s her mission to bring men and women together for love, respect and flirtatious freedom to make the world a better place. Find more information at: and

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