MONEY OR FAMILY | Poor Little Rich Girl, No One Feels Sorry For You!!

In this episode we were treated to a scandal of the week that may have actually humanized Hollis Doyle. But I digress. Do you remember episode 12 “Truth or Consequences?” Hollis eliminates his problems with explosions and tried to frame our fellow gladiator, Quinn?? I don’t think I could ever feel sorry for anyone who could heartlessly and purposely take an innocent person’s life away.

Thank Goodness Olivia saved Quinn.

rip jesse tyler

Peace out Adam Shapiro.

Maybelle is not innocent, and her father suspects the worst of her.  But when they receive a severed ear in the mail and video confirmation that Maybelle is earless, Hollis puts his pride and suspicions aside and agrees to pay up.

Even though, his cynicism was right in the end. Thanks to Huck‘s affinity for the way a properly severed ear should look, they realize that she’d done it to herself.  Maybelle staged an elaborate kidnapping and cut off her own ear for $20k.

SCANDAL CAST | Who Plays As Hollis Doyle’s Daughter On Scandal?

Olivia and her parents gave her one last shot.

poor little rich girl poor little rich girl2 poor little rich girl3 poor little rich girl4 poor little rich girl5 poor little rich girl6

But Maybelle’s mind was made up.  Olivia could have saved that speech because if you are to slice off your ear, you have deep rooted issues which makes it a little more than little rich girl problems.

pour cereal

Scandal 411 said it best:

“Family?  Or $20 million dollars?  Which would you choose?”  DO NOT ask your kids that shit.  You might not like the answer.  Money is the most powerful drug there is.  Karma’s a mofo isn’t it, Hollis?  Hollis chose money over life.  Money over peoples lives.  Over their families’s lives.  He blew up an office building because of money.  Because of power.  He has no regrets.  So while it’s lovely to see he have some feelings when it comes to his daughter?  It does not mean he has a soul.

Scandal side note:  Did you know that Doyle Energy was rewarded a 2 billion dollar government contract shortly after Fitz’s inauguration  The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree now does it??


What are your thoughts?!?  What did you think about the entire Hollis debacle?

Source: Tumblr



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